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Palliativecare Meetings

A World Health Organization statement describes palliative care as "an approach that improves the quality of life of patients and their families facing the problems associated with life-threatening illness, through the prevention and relief of suffering by means of early identification and impeccable assessment and treatment of pain and other problems, physical, psychosocial and spiritual." More generally, however, the term "palliative care" may refer to any care that alleviates symptoms, whether or not there is hope of a cure by other means; thus, palliative treatments may be used to alleviate the side effects of curative treatments, such as relieving the nausea associated with chemotherapy. The term "palliative care" is increasingly used with regard to diseases other than cancer such as chronic, progressive pulmonary disorders, renal disease, chronic heart failure, HIV/AIDS and progressive neurological conditions

According to some surveys by 2020, the number of people living with at least one chronic illness will increase to 157 million. Today, seven out of 10 Americans die from chronic disease. Approximately 68 percent of Medicare costs are related to patients with four or more chronic conditions — the typical palliative care patients. The costs of critical care for patients with chronic disease and multi-organ failure — mainly the elderly and those for whom death is a common but not an immediate outcome — are exceedingly high. The top 5 percent of such patients account for nearly half of health care spending and the cost per capita for 1 percent of such patients is $90,000 compared with $236 per capita for the bottom 50 percent.

Conferenceseries Healthcare Conferences includes effectual keynote lectures from Health Care professional and serve as a platform between health care professionals and scientists or researchers. “Research and Diagnostics which provide a forum for academia, industry, regulators and researchers to come together to discuss the new environment for health care product development the challenges and the opportunities”.

Conferenceseries International Conferences provides infinite scope for associations by assembling academicians from well-known universities and top level industrialists from business groups to network on a same platform creating a channel for mutual associations and partnerships. These conferences are a major avenue for young and talented students to advance their career prospects by interacting with distinguished scientific professionals across the globe.

Scope and Importance of Palliative Care:
The  Palliative Care Centers industry has grown rapidly for more than a decade, aided by continued Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement support, an aging US population, rising healthcare costs and a general trend toward at-home end-of-life care. “The industry continued growing straight through the economic downturn as relevant funding grew and the number of facilities offering hospice and palliative services did as well,” said IBIS World industry analyst Brian Bueno. IBIS World estimates 7,789 facilities will operate in the industry in 2012, generating $18.9 billion in revenue. In 2012 alone, revenue is expected to jump 8.4%, marking an annualized rate of growth of 9.8% since 2007.
Over the past decade, the number of Americans seeking hospice care has continued to increase dramatically. According to the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization, approximately 41.9% of all 2010 deaths in the United States were under the care of a hospice program. Furthermore, of all Medicare decedents in 2001, 18.8% accessed hospice for three or more days. By 2007, the proportion of Medicare decedents accessing three or more days of hospice services had increased to 30.1%. Aiding such growth has been the rising number of Americans aged 65 and older those are Medicare eligible. Over the five years to 2012, funding for Medicare is projected to increase at an average annual rate of 4.4% to $761.4 billion. Similarly, over that period, the share of US population aged 65 and over jumped from 12.6% to 13.6% as that age group grew faster than the general population.

The Palliative Care Centers industry is anticipated to continue growing strongly through 2018. According to Bueno, demand will escalate along with the acceleration in the proportion of the population aged 65 and older, and the subsequent rapid growth in the number of Medicare recipients. Nevertheless, growth is expected to remain below its potential over the next five years because of impending cuts to hospice reimbursement rates.

Major Associations and Societies around the Globe:

  • Family Healthcare Association
  • National Organization for Palliative Care and Hospice Institutions
  • Croatian Society for Palliative Medicine
  • The Cyprus Association of Cancer Patients and Friends
  • Czech Society of Palliative Medicine
  • Danish Society of Palliative Medicine
  • The Finnish Association for Palliative Care
  • The Finnish Association for Palliative Medicine
  • Deutscher Hospiz- und Palliativ Verbande.V.
  • Hellenic Association for Pain Control & Palliative Care
  • Hellenic Society of Pain Management and Palliative Care
  • Greek Society for Pediatric Palliative Care
  • Irish Association for Palliative Care
  • All Ireland Institute of Hospice and Palliative Care
  • Israel Palliative Medicine Association
  • Israel Association of Palliative Care
  • Association of Palliative Care Social Workers
  • International Observatory on End of Life Care
  • Independent Association of Nurses in Palliative Care
  • Association for Palliative Medicine of G B & Ireland
  • Association of Palliative Care Social Workers
  • Palliative Care Australia


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